Anniversary Episode with Phil Laeger
May 26, 2022
Thank you for being a part of the More to the Story Community! It has been a blessing to develop this podcast this past year. You will notice a fresh update to our graphics and music. My thanks to Phil Laeger who generously gave, composed, and recorded the More to the Story soundtrack. Also, Phil was my first guest and he comes back for today’s podcast. In this episode I give some reflections and some exciting news about what’s coming. My thanks too to the people who gave testimonials about the podcast, you’ll hear those today as well.
YouTube - https://youtu.be/DsmVxYVrbkM
Audio - https://andymilleriii.com/media/podcast
Apple - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/more-to-the-story-with-dr-andy-miller/id1569988895?uo=4
Phil’s website — www.laeger.net
Four Forty Five Designs — www.fourfortyfivedesigns.com
Four Forty Five Designs Youtube — www.youtube.com/fourfortyfivedesigns
Five Steps to Deeper Teaching and Preaching - I’m excited to share some news with you. Recently, I updated that PDF document and added a 45-minute teaching video with slides, explaining this tool. It's like a mini-course. If you sign up for my list, I will send this free resource to you. Sign up here -www.AndyMillerIII.com or Five Steps to Deeper Teaching and Preaching.
Today’s episode is brought to you by two sponsors:
Bill Roberts is a financial advisor, who has been serving the retirement planning and investment needs of individuals, families, non-profits, and churches for 25 years. He is a Certified Financial Planner and accredited investment fiduciary. Bill specializes in working with Salvation Army employees and officers by helping them realize their financial goals. You can find out more about Bill’s business at www.WilliamHRoberts.com
Wesley Biblical Seminary - Interested in going deeper in your faith? Check out our certificate programs, B.A., M.A.s, M.Div., and D.Min degrees. You will study with world-class faculty and the most racially diverse student body in the country. www.wbs.edu
Speaker 1
This is the more to the story podcast with Doctor Andy Miller.
Speaker 2
We hope you guys enjoyed today's conversation.
Speaker 1
Well here we are on the 52nd episode of the more to the story podcast, and I have several things in store for you now.
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You just heard my kickoff music, which has been playing for 52 episodes, and that's the last time you'll hear it.
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Because we have a new graphic and.
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And a new soundtrack, a new intro for all of the podcasts coming forward.
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And that is coming to you from Phil Legger.
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You can find links him, and of course he's coming up later in the podcast, so you'll want to check that out.
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Also, I have several friends who've reached out to me and have recorded short little testimonials of what they've thought of the podcast and what it's meant to them.
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And if you have something you'd like to say, I'd like to include those in upcoming podcasts so you can just find me online and go to Andy Miller.
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3rd com I would love to include if you find one that's particularly.
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Helpful even if you have a subtle critique, I take the.
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But if there's a.
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Particular episode that's been interesting to you that you found.
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Helpful, I'd love to share that.
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Thanks so much for being a part of this community and I'm I'm thankful that God has brought you my listeners into my life and I look forward to sharing this anniversary episode with you.
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Alright, here's the new music.
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Check it out from Phil Legger.
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Doctor Miller I'm very very proud of you even though we haven't met.
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I'm very pleased to say that I've become a raving fan.
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Of your work.
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And I look forward to seeing great things coming.
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From you in.
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The future.
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Let me say that from the promise for the Mortal Story podcast in the Terry first episode.
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I will say.
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To you, my brother, that you have not disappointed.
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I've been there with you most of the way.
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Obviously an older perspective than yours, but I think that you're off to a great start.
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What I heard you say from the very first episode is that we could expect from this podcast an Orthodox Wesleyan worldview that celebrates and raises to significance the idea of the.
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Holy life.
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I'm there with you.
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I loved when you said holiness or love eliminating sin, but we can also expect interviews and basic theological reflection addressing current issues.
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Also, critical thinking, that's one of my big agendas.
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Critical thinking about the governance model of the Salvation Army Army history holding U.S.
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history and church.
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History and that we could also expect an emphasis on the significance of lifelong learning, emphasizing the importance of Christian education.
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Getting the brightest minds to encourage us and using the things that they're saying for the life of the church and our lives.
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Let me say I've been impressed with the caliber of the guest that you've brought on.
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I've also been impressed with your own.
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Commentaries your own thinking.
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I'm impressed with your knowledge and your eagerness for the Salvation Army.
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I appreciate the reflections addressing current issues, but certainly the Orthodox resident worldview is a large part of why I'm here.
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Committed to that worldview, I'm glad you are.
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I'm glad I am and I look forward to hearing more from you.
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And more to the story.
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So what can I say in conclusion, very proud of you.
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Wish you all the best in your endeavors, academic as well as podcasting.
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God bless you my friend.
Speaker 5
Hey Andy, Matt came here hailing all the way from BC Canada I.
Speaker 5
I just wanted to say congratulations on the milestone podcasts.
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52 episodes I think. Keep it up man. It's good stuff. Congratulations, keep stick to the word of God as you do everything here.
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Producing this encouraging content is doctrinally sound.
Speaker 5
I remember that episode you did with Chick Yule, though I think you could have picked them apart a bit more.
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I think you went too easy on him anyway.
Speaker 5
Maybe next time.
Speaker 5
God bless you buddy.
Speaker 5
Take care.
Speaker 6
Hi Andy, just wanting to say congratulations on a year of an incredible podcast.
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More to the story has been such an inspiration.
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It has created some great discussion around important issues of our day.
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Hey, I really appreciate you bringing on people like Matt O'Reilly and Kevin Watson and others who are really helping me see the connection between the Salvation Army and and and and our connection with our our broader Western community.
Speaker 6
You'd be doing a great service to helping broadening.
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My horizons and I really appreciate you and wish you all the best in this next year.
Speaker 1
Well, welcome to the one year anniversary episode of the Mortis Story Podcast.
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Thank you for being a part of this community.
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If you've checked this out, I just want to take some time on this podcast to highlight some of the highlights from this past year.
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We've had a lot of fun with this and I've enjoyed like the interviews I've done.
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The issues I've responded to and today.
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On the podcast I have a special guest coming along and a little shorter interview and it's more of just a conversation with me and Phil Legger.
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You might remember those of you who are long time fans first time callers.
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So long time fans.
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Of Bill Leger was a very first guest and I think our audiences are very similar, not in some of you don't know him at all, and so I'm glad to introduce you to him, particularly my the audience folks who've come along you know interesting now if I I was looking at the stats preparing for this little bit of conversation here that added 104 hundred subscribers.
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And I think people who get.
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It just in this.
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Past year people.
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Who get onto this podcast?
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They're like it's like, become a community that I've loved and I've heard from many of you, and you've signed up for my email list and I appreciate that.
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And there's a.
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There's a lot of things coming out.
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Want to just talk through a few of the things that have been enjoyable to me this year and maybe tell you some of the behind the scenes of some of those things.
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But as we work through this.
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Phil Phil comes on and I'd give a few more announcements on there of things that are coming up.
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You might notice and something I didn't say on my interview with Phil.
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And that he's agreed to write a song for the opening and closing of this podcast.
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Isn't that cool, so I'll have my own song now.
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I'll admit my wife is a fan of the Annie F Downs Podcast, and she's like, You Know, podcast superstar.
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So I, I and I listened to it occasionally too and she had some may, right?
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For that.
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It's my idea.
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I like my music.
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I want to thank Brendan Moore.
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He was a person who helped me kind of put some of the podcast pieces together a year ago and at the same time his wife Sarah is helping me even now put some things together.
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She's done my graphics since January and Ashley Ramsey, Ashley Klemanski, oh I forget her married name.
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Now forgive me actually.
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It's coming off the top of my head.
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She was one who designed the original graphic and she helped me for the first several months, making that happen and advised me understand, it's her voice that's at the very beginning of this first year of podcasts, where she says we hope you guys enjoy this conversation, so that's actually formally Ashley Ramsey who worked at the Salvation Army in Tampa, so we're so thankful for various.
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People come along OK.
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I want to tell you a few things, so you might be able figure this people if you go and you look at my YouTube channel you can probably figure this out, but there's more information about my top podcasts so.
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So my some of my top podcasts were #5.
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Was my interview with Oh my my debate with conversation with Chick Yule where is title like Progressive and Conservative salvationists like in the way that we engage and think about our articles of faith and how that impacts our daily life. So that was number 5 #4 was my response to his talk.
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At the included conference.
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Number three was I might have missed mix.
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I didn't.
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I didn't actually get it pulled up.
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I don't wanna.
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Look at my.
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Screen right now.
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So my interview with Matt Roden, who was a pastor of a large church in Tampa area and now is in the Santa Barbara area and it was him comparing Mega Church and kind of small church world and that that was a great interview then I had.
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My number three was the the conversation I had with Matt Ayers talking about mixed messages in the Salvation Army and other denominations on human sexuality and some of that has come to light even more so in the last week, which I have a growing podcast from last week with Steve Bussey.
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It's not quite in the.
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The top category yet, but it's it's probably headed there because we are addressing some of the challenging issues in our denomination, and with an eye towards all of you who are not in the Salvation Army too, who are dealing with similar issues, then I had my podcast where I worked through some of the challenges that came around the Christmas season with some of the information that came out on a.
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Document called let's talk about.
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Racism and I was just addressing some of that, and I the kind of catchy title, was has the Salvation Army gone.
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Woke and we were just working through kind of some of the challenges in the communication in that period. Then #1 interesting enough was my interview with Keith Boyette, who is the leader of the Global Methodist Church.
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Right now now I might have his title long, but that podcast is maybe it has to do with any way I named it, which is at United Methodism comma.
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What's going on?
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Question mark.
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That was it, and for whatever reason, YouTube has smiled upon that video, and I think it's right. At 6000 on YouTube.
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But my audio podcast, like people don't get to see those numbers as well, so altogether that one is still my number one, but there's several of the audio podcasts that have gone interesting like some.
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So here's an interesting one.
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Even though my interview with Kevin Brown, the President of Aspen University, the YouTube video has not gone very far there.
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For whatever reason, even though very fine looking person.
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Nothing to do with how we look, or maybe how I looked on that, but the audio version of Kevin's interview is pretty high. It might not be the highest, but it's pretty close to it.
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The same thing is true with a few other podcasts.
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For the audio version, maybe it has to do with one person who shared it here or there, so I think.
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That's interesting.
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I think one thing I wanted to give like 2 examples of key moments in my podcast this year that have been helpful for me.
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One was the unexpected appreciation people had for being introduced to Katie.
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Faust in the organization them before us, and I say Katy Faust brought the straight fire on that podcast, and the way she was able to frame, which typically identifies human like family values, issues, abortion, same sex marriage, and like within the context of children and the rights of children.
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Fascinating and I have I've had a lot of.
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People reach out to me consistently for months.
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To talk about.
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How meaningful that podcast was for them and that one is in my top ten, but it's.
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But is it that one is really good?
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And then I'll say my top.
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Moment was with Oz Guinness.
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I'm so honored to have him on.
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I was.
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Pretty nervous some of you guys could probably tell if you listen for a while that I'm trying to stay stay in the right.
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Position here for the camera.
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When I get nervous and that was definitely one of those times where I was wanting to ask the right questions.
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But I asked him the question that I get a lot.
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Well, can't just faithful Christians disagree?
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I mean, can't we just disagree about human sexuality or the authority of Scripture and the like, and he very quickly turned back.
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And I was like pretty stunned.
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I think I talked quickly, but I.
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I was still stunned.
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I was.
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Trying to come say he said faithful, to whom?
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I'm not sure if he said who are faithful to who, but faithful to whom him man that moment.
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Oh my goodness that really caught me off guard in in the sense of like that's the question and he said, are we faithful to the Lord into Scripture?
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So that's the question of what we're faithful to.
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Like what what does it mean to be a faithful Christian and also be like I think that that's what I'm trying to do.
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I want to encourage people in their discipleship.
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You know, their own personal Bible reading and and devotional time and their own spiritual formation, but encourage.
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People to go.
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Deeper theologically and in their study of scripture.
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That's why the study I'm going to talk about in my interview here at Phil of June.
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So important, like I think this is a little book of 25 verses. It's probably one page in your Bible that a lot of people forget about.
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I just want to encourage you to check it out, like to go a little deeper in June.
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That's some of the things I'm trying to offer here in the future.
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So I have some other things coming on if I I don't say this very often, I can't take too many opportunities, but I would love to come.
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If you're looking for somebody to speak at something or share via video.
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I'm available to do that.
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The podcast has been Ave to that Jake Turner.
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Mike and Cindy Dickinson like they're they're people I didn't know and I've become my friends here in the last couple months and they've had me come out to speak at various events.
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I'm headed out to the Eastern Territory to do some things later this later this summer.
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There's been some other opportunities to have come up, so these are these are just ways that the gods use of podcasts in my life.
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I didn't expect this.
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I didn't expect the use in this way, but I'm thankful for opportunity.
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I have to serve you this audience.
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And to do more of this in the future, and also it's offering some resources to church leaders, for instance.
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Like my thing, I know if you've heard me regularly my free resource. It's eight page document with a 45 minute teaching.
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It's available for people. It's five steps to deeper teaching and preaching, and you can find that Andy Miller, thethird.com and like on that.
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Like I'll send that to folks, and I even had somebody contact me if some of you are interested in this, let me know and maybe I can figure out a way that I can put something together or we can offer retreat.
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Uhm, there is somebody asking as a result of seeing that video.
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Dan Fan, Dez, who I appreciate old friend of mine.
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I haven't talked to in a long time about offering like a preaching conference.
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I'm I'm a totally game for that.
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I just to figure out how to make it happen when logistics and that kind of thing, but if I can if I can help with that type of thing let me know.
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So the thus into all the commercials you're going to hear from a few of my friends who have reached out to me with some encouraging words, and they share some things that they've enjoyed about podcasts.
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And my interview with Phil and looking forward to having his his peace kind of come along at some point here and say, oh, I didn't think one very important person.
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I need to think.
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Five important people, but Sarah Moore is coming along, and oh, I did.
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Thank her.
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She helped me with my graphics and she's doing a great job helping with some of the details of the podcast.
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And I need to thank Jeff Bakos.
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Who puts together the video content and he helps me get the audio together.
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He is.
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He's our registrar.
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Here at Wesley Biblical Seminary, so I think Sam and I should be thinking.
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Of course my family, who have been in my chief encourager to the podcast and form our guests.
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So my wife, Abby, who will be celebrating our 20th anniversary here in in two days and then Andy, Titus and Georgia.
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Thank you so much for encouraging me in this and being a part of the more to the story team as the kids say Moto Stove.
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Po motoso Pope.
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That's they they kind of called the podcast sometime I don't.
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It hasn't really caught that much all right, here's a here's the interview with Phil Leger and some words from from Friends of mine.
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God bless you all.
Speaker 1
Thanks for being a part of the.
Speaker 7
Mortise story podcast.
Speaker 7
Well hi, this is the rest of the Miller family.
Speaker 7
I'm Abby.
Speaker 2
I'm Georgia, I'm Titus.
Speaker 1
And I'm Andy and.
Speaker 1
This is bolt.
This little guy up.
Speaker 4
Here is lepiej.
Speaker 7
And we just want to say congratulations to them or to the story podcast for completing one whole year.
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And and we have been praying for this podcast.
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I feel like we've been on the prayer support team and a few moments where we're like what's going to happen.
Speaker 7
How is this going to work out?
Speaker 7
But we keep asking God to use it and direct it and we're proud of Andy.
Speaker 7
Right out of.
Speaker 7
Y'all's dad for doing this.
Speaker 9
As in our dad, not as in.
Speaker 9
This city this.
Speaker 7
Is the 4th?
Speaker 7
Yeah, there's a few handies.
Speaker 7
In our house.
Speaker 2
Hey, my name.
Speaker 2
Is Joe bruckshaw?
Speaker 2
I'm from Perth, Australia and I wanted to say to Andy Miller.
Speaker 2
Thank you for your more to the story podcast.
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I want to thank you for the way that you dive deep into complex theological issues.
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I thank you for the guests that you bring onto your program the way that you carefully and with compassion seek to find out what their perspective is on the issues that you're presenting.
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I want to thank you for the way that you dive deep into the Bible and that you.
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Present from your Salvation Army background what it is that is important theologically to Christians.
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And so I want to say thank you today for the way that you present this podcast.
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It has been so helpful to me when I'm looking into some of the deeper issues of our faith and the the challenges of our.
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World and I found it so helpful to me to be able to refer back to to a podcast that you have done and find some support and some answers potentially to the issues that I'm looking into.
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So thank you and God bless you, and I wish you many, many more podcasts to come and many more.
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Issues that are dealt with biblically and with a pastoral heart.
Speaker 2
So thank you Andy.
Speaker 2
God bless you mate.
Speaker 10
Hey I am captain amber Mayo.
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I am a Salvation Army officer currently serving in Vera Beach, Florida headed to Memphis, TN to be a Salvation Army Adult rehabilitation center.
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Administrador I've appreciated the way that he challenges our denomination in a godly and loving way and encourages his listeners to think critically about things.
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My favorite episode to date, Andy.
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Podcast with Steve.
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Just recently talking about theological faithfulness, doctrinal faithfulness, congratulations.
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Andy on one year.
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Here with the Model Story podcast and I look forward to many, many more episodes of your podcast.
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It's been a blessing to me and I would just like to say that it's been a blessing to many young salvationists who are trying to flesh out these ideas and.
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Figure out where they stand and congratulations, keep it up.
Speaker 10
We'll keep listening, thanks.
Speaker 1
Well here we are on the anniversary episode of the more to the story podcast.
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And when this thing started a year ago, the same guy was on this show with me.
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So Phil.
Speaker 1
Welcome to the show.
Speaker 11
Thanks man, thank you for having me back.
Speaker 11
Uh, I took you a whole year, but I'm not.
Speaker 11
It's OK.
Speaker 11
I'm not offended.
Speaker 11
And congratulations then.
Speaker 1
I don't, I don't know.
Speaker 1
If I have many people on.
Speaker 1
Twice so a couple a couple OK alright.
Speaker 11
OK, OK all right.
Speaker 1
But you're every year.
Speaker 11
That softens the blow, just.
Speaker 11
That softens the blow, just a.
Speaker 11
Little bit, that's good.
Speaker 1
You're guaranteed a yearly interview from me, I promise.
Speaker 11
Congratulations man, this and this is you.
Speaker 11
You have done so many different topics.
Speaker 11
Over the past.
Speaker 11
Year and most of them I agree with you about your conclusions on them.
Speaker 11
So I'm gonna keep listening.
Speaker 1
OK, good most of them I know I.
Speaker 1
Know we have.
Speaker 1
A little trouble with the India gram.
Speaker 11
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah.
Speaker 1
Well, it's it's not me.
Speaker 1
It's I.
Speaker 1
I interviewed somebody there I'm I'm probably leaning toward Christburg view, but I don't judge anybody because you call yourself a number.
Speaker 11
Sure, sure we are all more than a number that that's definitely for sure.
Speaker 11
Whatever you standing on the ideogram we were more than just.
Speaker 1
A number Amen, but it's been fine.
Speaker 1
It was a fun thing to be able to put those out and I appreciate you you little notes of encouragement along the way.
Speaker 1
It's been nice to have that, and you know, last year we were we were both in different places.
Speaker 1
I was in Tampa.
Speaker 1
I was still serving to the salvation.
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Army officer you were.
Speaker 1
I think coming from like trying to find a quiet place at camp and Camp Tecumseh in New Jersey, right?
Speaker 11
That's right, yeah, we moved and and we we were there up until November of last year and then we moved.
Speaker 11
From you know the Northeast back to where I'm originally from the South.
Speaker 11
We moved.
Speaker 1
Speaker 11
Mount Juliet, TN, which is just a little bit outside of Nashville.
Speaker 11
And yeah.
Speaker 1
So what's going on there?
Speaker 1
I'm sure a lot of my folks like you know.
Speaker 1
Are interested like.
Speaker 1
I think you know how this goes.
Speaker 1
Several of us are such big fans of yours, Phil that we just think like there's no reason you shouldn't be winning a Grammy or any number of things like we just think.
Speaker 1
Now you're in Nashville.
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Every will discover you I hope.
Speaker 1
Please have you what?
Speaker 1
What's this?
Speaker 1
What's going on?
Speaker 1
Like tell me what's more to the story of why you fill.
Speaker 1
In this family going there.
Speaker 11
You're very, you're very encouraging.
Speaker 11
Thank you for that.
Speaker 11
I I would I would I take a Grammy.
Speaker 11
Somebody wants to give me a Grammy.
Speaker 11
That's fine, I don't think that anything I've released yet is worthy of Grammy status, but I I kind of moved here hoping to connect with more songwriters.
Speaker 11
And not necessarily performing, although I do perform as well, but I love to write.
Speaker 1
Speaker 11
You know, that's my heart is writing.
Speaker 11
I just love writing and you know, if Tim McGraw or some other big country artist wants to write one of my songs, that would be.
Speaker 11
Amazing but I I.
Speaker 11
Moved here with Sarah, you know, for many reasons.
Speaker 11
We'd always thought about Nashville for some of the things you just talked about.
Speaker 11
Some yeah, great Music City.
Speaker 11
But my my wife always wanted to branch out.
Speaker 11
Last year she started her YouTube business where she's flipping furniture.
Speaker 1
Speaker 11
She has custom furniture and have a YouTube channel. ** ***** she's getting up there, she's aren't. Yes, she's on her way to 10,000 subscribers, so go check her out. It's 4:45.
Speaker 1
And very successfully right?
Speaker 1
I mean she's got huge YouTube.
Speaker 11
Designs is our YouTube channel, if you.
Speaker 11
Want to check it out?
Speaker 11
Yes, and we deliver furniture too.
Speaker 11
So if you.
Speaker 11
Find a piece.
Speaker 11
And you want it delivered, you just.
Speaker 11
You just let me know.
Speaker 11
OK, I'll I'll drive it to your.
Speaker 11
Front door so.
Speaker 1
You're the delivery service.
Speaker 11
But yeah, she's she's.
Speaker 11
She's doing that and I I'm I'm writing I'm.
Speaker 11
I'm producing an album for a friend.
Speaker 11
Uhm, what else am I doing?
Speaker 11
Uh, yeah, you know how?
Speaker 11
Email goes with freelance musicians we.
Speaker 11
Just do a bit of this and a bit of that.
Speaker 11
I'll be on the road this summer doing some backyard.
Speaker 11
We talked before we started doing some backyard worship nights, OK?
Speaker 1
Like you said, like my backyard, if if I was able to afford to bring you in, you come in my backyard.
Speaker 11
I don't know if you want to go.
Speaker 11
Yeah, I ardent absolutely and you could.
Speaker 11
You could definitely forward me.
Speaker 1
Oh can OK.
Speaker 11
I I haven't won any, I haven't.
Speaker 11
Won any Grammys yet so?
Speaker 11
You could definitely afford me.
Speaker 11
No, I I just.
Speaker 11
I just had this thought and I mentioned to Sarah she said yeah, it's a great idea.
Speaker 11
Once you put on Facebook and see what people think and I I just love the thought of of worshipping.
Speaker 11
People in their backyard, whether it's a you.
Speaker 11
Know a whole.
Speaker 11
Church community or or just friends neighborhood yeah.
Speaker 11
Something about.
Speaker 11
You know, I've I've done performances and those are fine, but there's just something about gathering community and and just and and, you know, kicking off your shoes let you know.
Speaker 11
I think it it erases some of those.
Speaker 11
Barriers between stage and audience, you know?
Speaker 11
And yes, you.
Speaker 11
Can sort of gather and and and be free.
Speaker 11
And, you know, holy Holy Spirit can do it a lot with those times, I think.
Speaker 11
You know where?
Speaker 11
It's just those informal real real life.
Speaker 11
You know.
Speaker 11
Sometimes in church you know that this is a pastor.
Speaker 11
You can get there.
Speaker 11
There can be that separation.
Speaker 11
You know what goes on stage and what goes on in the audience in the congregation.
Speaker 11
And I'm sorry not audience congregation.
Speaker 11
Yeah, but with the backyard thing, you just have a chance.
Speaker 11
To you know, worship together and be really formal and people let their guard down more and.
Speaker 11
I think that's where some magic can happen, so I'm hoping for that this summer I've got a few people in New York area and Midwest and out West, and if any of your listeners are interested in reaching out to me and I'll be happy to entertain that too.
Speaker 1
I love the, you know, Rend Collective had an album like a uh, like a fireside album or something where they recorded out around a fire.
Speaker 1
And I just the image of that was appealing to me of people being around in community sharing something about being in a circle together.
Speaker 1
I I have something come on podcast later this summer, he's invented as a founder of a board game company and it's keymaster games.
Speaker 11
Speaker 1
Interesting and Kyle Keys his name.
Speaker 1
And he finally got to play.
Speaker 1
So like what he was trying to do was the goal of the game is to get people around.
Speaker 1
The table, and that's what he that's his.
Speaker 11
Speaker 1
That's his mission to get people around the table, and he uses to make that happen, and so that I don't mean to spoil it too much, but it took me a while to get to them, but the mission was after we.
Speaker 11
Yeah wow.
Speaker 1
Heard this really interesting story.
Speaker 1
But like for you to be in this.
Speaker 1
Place where you're.
Speaker 1
Going to get people maybe around a campfire, but in a backyard you're trying to break down.
Speaker 1
Some barriers 'cause there's something like you said magic can happen like I think God the Holy Spirit is at work uniquely.
Speaker 1
When the community comes together, like in it may be a informal space.
Speaker 11
Back, yeah, I think so, you know.
Speaker 11
As somebody who doesn't have any normal job, you know as I don't go to a desk and sit at a desk, it's taken me.
Speaker 11
I don't think.
Speaker 11
A lot of creatives are like this.
Speaker 11
It takes you a while to figure out what your purpose is.
Speaker 11
Is to hone in, especially if you're if you're a freelancing artist like myself, to to really just, you know I don't clock in.
Speaker 11
I'm really asking, OK?
Speaker 11
Uh, what do I do?
Speaker 11
How do I contribute to the world and meet in a meaningful way with the gifts I have?
Speaker 11
You know, worship is a, it's it's what the Lord has made me to do.
Speaker 11
Worship and and getting specifically getting other people to worship.
Speaker 11
And you know my my my, we've talked about this before, but my goal is a congregational worship leaders.
Speaker 11
Always so that I can be able to step back away from the mic and I think you know to hear the people praise God.
Speaker 11
That that's my goal.
Speaker 11
And what better way to do that than in a backyard, you know?
Speaker 11
So and I'm I, I'm excited.
Speaker 11
I really am excited about the the just I can you know can hear people worshipping already in my head so I'm yeah I'm excited about that what about you man?
Speaker 11
You you've done quite a bit as well since since you first started this podcast.
Speaker 1
Yeah, it's been an interesting journey like I would.
Speaker 1
People might have heard me say a few times.
Speaker 1
That I had this podcast called Captain Corner, and when Abby I announced that we were leaving Officership, several people reached out to me about a dozen.
Speaker 1
That just said, hey keep that going.
Speaker 1
Keep that going so so.
Speaker 1
I started to.
Speaker 1
Feel out like would there be an interest?
Speaker 1
Would people really want me to keep doing this?
Speaker 1
And so I did, and you were my first interview and at that point I met with a guy named Graham Cochrane and I'm encouraged, people look.
Speaker 1
Him up, he was somebody you might have even heard.
Speaker 1
I don't know like he.
Speaker 1
As a audio engineering background and he went to a church plant in Tampa and he, his daughter and my daughter were friends who went to a birthday party together and and I don't know if you've been in those kind of awkward situations where you're after a birthday party or just sharing with somebody with your kids playing and I asked him what he did and he's like I'm a you tuber.
Speaker 1
Just like you know Sarah, it's like interesting, so like OK, this first time I've ever had that, but it turns out like so he came to plan a church and he was, I think, like on food stamps and like had a part time job and he made a couple of videos for his for some friends on how to do some things with church audio.
Speaker 11
Yeah, I've heard of grammar talking yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1
And then he made some recording.
Speaker 1
Oh, you've heard of him?
Speaker 11
Yeah yeah Marty, Marty, our mutual friend.
Speaker 11
Marty Michael put him on to me is a big big fan.
Speaker 11
Yeah Oh yeah.
Speaker 1
Audio revolution or something? Yep.
Speaker 1
So anyways, he's uh.
Speaker 1
I don't know anything about why he does it.
Speaker 1
Audio stuff, but.
Speaker 1
He's he now has a New York Times bestselling book.
Speaker 1
On on how to get paid for what you know.
Speaker 1
And so I met with him and he developed this audience.
Speaker 1
He wasn't even.
Speaker 1
I don't think even trying at first he was just and people liked what he was sharing and he was just sharing what was like real basic for him.
Speaker 1
And then he just developed it more and more.
Speaker 1
So I met with him.
Speaker 1
And I kind of I was a little embarrassed about my podcasts.
Speaker 1
Like yeah, I'm keeping going at at the time.
Speaker 1
My biggest podcast was with Israel Gayther and it was like 800 downloads and I said that kind of sheepishly. He's like man, that's good.
Speaker 1
And he said, what do you average?
Speaker 1
And I forget what, and so he he just kind of asked me a few things real quick.
Speaker 1
He's like yo, you've got audience.
Speaker 1
You've got a real audience like and I think.
Speaker 1
The the kind of.
Speaker 1
Subscriber rate that I thought I had was.
Speaker 1
Something like.
Speaker 1
At that time 70 maybe, maybe, like in sometimes it would drop to 50 and they they can't tell that.
Speaker 1
If you ever.
Speaker 1
Do a podcast like they don't really know how many people are subscribed.
Speaker 1
So as I was describing what I was doing, he's like, well, let's get together.
Speaker 1
So I bought him lunch.
Speaker 1
He didn't need me to buy him lunch because I've learned he's makes over $1,000,000 a year on his YouTube videos. Various things.
Speaker 1
But and I bought him lunch so I could talk to.
Speaker 1
And so he gave me a couple of quick tips.
Speaker 1
I signed up for one of his classes and and I just realized that here.
Speaker 1
Here's what, like with the podcast like I knew I was.
Speaker 1
I I love theological education like I love what I'm doing.
Speaker 1
Teaching preaching theology, leading and faculty.
Speaker 1
All that sort of stuff.
Speaker 1
Designing curriculum.
Speaker 1
This is I made great place for me there and.
Speaker 1
I love preaching, but I love my audience like I love these group of people that not everybody in my audience and I'm not like kicking anybody out.
Speaker 1
But I realize there's a group of people who like the way that I interact with people they like some of the.
Speaker 1
Things I have to say.
Speaker 1
And I'm I'm pretty bold, willing to get out and ask people who I'm intimidated by to come on my podcast and willing to debate some things.
Speaker 1
And I honestly like this year has been a unique thing for me because I've had the opportunity to serve this group of people who I love, and so I think that's what's kind of fun.
Speaker 1
For me it's like I get I get every week I get thank you notes from people all over the.
Speaker 1
World, particularly in our denomination, which we both love and you know, there's some challenges theologically and so as people are working through that they appreciate me coming at this from a Orthodox evangelical Wesleyan tradition.
Speaker 1
And I know there's a lot of.
Speaker 1
Words and describe them.
Speaker 11
No no no I.
Speaker 11
Mean I I would I I would agree I I love being part of your audience and I think that the things that you talk.
Speaker 11
Talk about.
Speaker 11
Some people are talking about anyway, you know, and I one thing I appreciated about what I know.
Speaker 11
You recently had a conversation with Steve Busey about you.
Speaker 11
Guys covered a bunch of.
Speaker 11
A bunch of things that you talked about how a small a small group of people can really influence the the you know.
Speaker 11
The conversation the the discourse that happens and can really influence a whole organization, denomination.
Speaker 11
Even so.
Speaker 11
I mean, I think it's important that that you have the ability to to speak, you know.
Speaker 11
Which, like Orthodox Wesleyan elanjikal perspective on on these things.
Speaker 11
I mean, that's important, because there are definitely other voices out there there that are.
Speaker 11
Not not speaking those things.
Speaker 11
So yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1
Yeah, it's interesting.
Speaker 1
Like even today I got.
Speaker 1
I mean, there's there's people who are discouraged by what they see happening in certain places, and maybe it's just like I still affirm that the kind of the core center of what makes up most evangelical denominations.
Speaker 1
And I think of those, particularly the holiness tradition like.
Speaker 1
Nazarene Wesleyan, like in the Salvation Army like a very kind of this.
Speaker 1
Pure model that's connected to whatever their statement of faith is, but I had somebody write me today like there's there's folks.
Speaker 1
I mean, this is a I'm not going to identify who it was, but in another country I don't even say what country they're like.
Speaker 1
People are using the rainbow flag.
Speaker 1
In exchange of the Salvation Army flag and enrolling people as members of you know our denomination under that flag, right?
Speaker 1
Maybe maybe you know about tonight stuff and it's just like, Oh my goodness, like now, look I.
Speaker 1
I I we want to have as loving as a postures we can't and Phil you do a great job at that like I want to make sure people know I'm in for a conversation.
Speaker 1
I'm into working through our hurt tablets and hang ups and all those type of things but at the same time like we have a foundation for that and and for me that starts with the first article of faith.
Speaker 11
Yeah, absolutely yeah.
Speaker 11
Yeah, I'm with you and I think the key and I think.
Speaker 11
You you do this really well?
Speaker 11
Any is is is humility right?
Speaker 11
I mean people want us to be.
Speaker 11
I mean people on any issue that you think about want us to be rigid.
Speaker 11
They want us to.
Speaker 11
Be, you know.
Speaker 11
Which side are you on?
Speaker 11
You know 10 more side and.
Speaker 11
These are the you know and.
Speaker 11
Think you know?
Speaker 11
It's not the way I see Jesus going about his life, you know?
Speaker 11
He he is the truth.
Speaker 11
And yet, when he's talking with people, he disagrees that you know he's just walking, humbly, you know, and I think you do a good job of humbly asking the questions and and humbly saying, this is what I believe you know.
Speaker 11
And this is what?
Speaker 11
The Lord has revealed to all of us through Scripture, and this is where I stand on it.
Speaker 11
I don't agree with you.
Speaker 11
I love you, but this is where I I stand, yeah.
Speaker 1
Man, I'm going to take a little.
Speaker 1
I'm going to record that and I'm.
Speaker 1
Going to make.
Speaker 1
A separate YouTube video just for that.
Speaker 1
So when people send me the and I got a few of them this past weekend, I'll I'll send them that still linger, says Blink Blink.
And this.
Speaker 1
I appreciate it.
Speaker 11
I I don't know.
Speaker 11
If people will know who's still at your house or care what he?
Speaker 11
Says, but sure, use it however you want to.
Speaker 1
So, well, what what's happening?
Speaker 1
Like you have a a few things happening in with all the freelance source stuff you're doing.
Speaker 1
I want actually before I get to that I want to hear like maybe long term.
Speaker 1
Kind of things that.
Speaker 1
You're doing.
Speaker 1
But you, Steve and I talked about something last week that was interesting.
Speaker 1
We had this situation where the Salvation Army.
Speaker 1
The UK is, possibly, you know, encouraging people to move away from language that might be offensive, and I'm all about like making sure that we're clear on the front like we marketing helped us get in with folks, but there was this.
Speaker 1
Challenge with saying well the words blood and fire don't really connect anymore and Steve had an interesting point.
Speaker 1
He's like the words blood and fire never connected and and then it's just not in Rome, not in the Reformation, not in the 19th century with William and Catherine Booth and you and I fell on something last last year in the very first episode.
Speaker 1
Where we looked at your song I surrender my life to your blood and there's something to that to that language that's so important and I just don't think we should give it up.
Speaker 11
Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 11
Listen, I just first of all, if you're watching this, go back and listen.
Speaker 11
You haven't watched that.
Speaker 11
You guys, 'cause I think that you guys really you tackled why it's important you know to have this conversation and why it's important to be true to our Lord, to the word.
Speaker 11
I I the the term blood in the terms is blood in fire.
Speaker 11
I was just a mission to you this see before we hopped on the term blood and fire you know I was reading in John 6 today about about Jesus.
Speaker 11
And how come he?
Speaker 1
Talk about something that doesn't fit in with culture.
Speaker 11
He said unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you have no part in me, and he was talking to his disciples.
Speaker 11
Larger group.
Speaker 11
Of people who were following him, you know?
Speaker 11
So it was out in how the open.
Speaker 11
He's not telling a secret message to anybody coded inside inside her language.
Speaker 11
He's like saying unless you eat my flesh and drink.
Speaker 11
I'm glad you have no part in me.
Speaker 11
I I agree actually and I said this to several people.
Speaker 11
I agree with the need to reevaluate what we say to people to make.
Speaker 11
Sure, it's coming across.
Speaker 11
But you know, maybe part of that conversation is just talking about our motivations, you know, and having honest conversations in community about what's our motivations.
Speaker 11
Or do we just want to soften it?
Speaker 11
You know, so we don't lose our donors or.
Speaker 11
Umm, that that that even sounds harsh coming.
Speaker 11
I don't mean that.
Speaker 11
I'm just saying what's what's the motivation for it.
Speaker 11
And maybe that can only.
Is it going?
Speaker 1
To win people to.
Speaker 1
I mean, if that's the goal, I'm willing to go there for a.
Speaker 1
Little bit.
Speaker 1
Sure, the same thing is true with the you know one of the channels you talked about the orange curriculum, but some people sent me.
Speaker 1
Some resources and I looked at him and there's.
Speaker 1
Not mentioned there.
Speaker 1
Might be a a vague mention of brokenness.
Speaker 1
But not sin, not hell, not heaven, it's.
Speaker 1
I'm willing to talk through that like I.
Speaker 1
Teach I I teach eschatology here like I'm glad to talk through options that people have dealt with across the years.
Speaker 1
Philosophically, biblically about the afterlife, like I'm glad to have that conversation.
Speaker 1
But we have a starting point, and I'm I'm OK to not like call people sinners, but.
Speaker 1
At some point we need to.
Speaker 1
Talk about sin and.
Speaker 1
Not just broken this.
Speaker 11
Sure, absolutely 100%. It's interesting to there's another Miller, another doctor Miller, who's written. You know, I'm I've.
Speaker 11
We've talked about this.
Speaker 11
Yeah he.
Speaker 11
He's written in the case.
Speaker 11
Nobody because people don't think I'm talking about your brother.
Speaker 11
Nathan has, is, and he's I don't.
Speaker 11
I don't know.
Speaker 11
His position is at Asbury.
Speaker 11
He's the.
Speaker 1
He is some director of orchestra and music professor of ecology.
You should know this.
Speaker 11
She was you're you're you're his brother.
Speaker 1
He's professor, assistant associate professor.
Speaker 1
How about that?
Speaker 11
Well, he's his.
Speaker 11
I'm reading his dissertation 'cause I have a great interest in music and the Salvation Army, but it also deals with some other stuff about.
Speaker 1
Speaker 11
How like, even from the very beginning you know we've had this dual?
Speaker 11
What are we?
Speaker 11
You know, we have this messaging to the public and then we have the messaging to our people and your brother talks about the way that that was sort of intentional to let people take what they would from you know, and and I'm I'm reading his dissertation and I write in the sidelines.
Speaker 11
I highlight it now.
Speaker 11
Right is this duplicitous?
Speaker 11
Is this is this duplicitous messaging?
Speaker 11
What does it mean to have different different messages for different audiences?
Speaker 11
I guess in some.
Speaker 11
Ways you could look at.
Speaker 11
Call and say.
Speaker 11
He's in the area up against the apostle Paul is in the area because he's a he's a thing to an unknown God.
Speaker 11
He's he's a I see.
Speaker 11
You're very religious and he contextualises that you know he preaches you know I'm preaching to the choir here.
Speaker 1
Yeah yeah yeah yeah.
Speaker 11
But then you know.
Speaker 11
But then he eventually gets to Jesus Christ being crucified and resurrected from the dead, and that you know.
Speaker 11
So he has a point where he's.
Speaker 11
Going and he's he's leading people.
Speaker 11
He's not completely abandoning the message right, right?
Speaker 11
So I guess maybe maybe that's part of the conversation is.
Speaker 11
Where is it going?
Speaker 11
You know, do we say we're doing this because we want to introduce people to Jesus and get something to talk about their sin and realize their need for a savior?
Speaker 11
Or are we just doing?
Speaker 11
This to so you know, are we moving away from?
Speaker 11
You guys probably covered all.
Speaker 11
Of that in your, in, in, in your in your talks.
Speaker 1
So yeah, we we have a well in.
Speaker 1
Actually people are interested but my brother is saying I do have a podcast interview with him about his dissertation.
Speaker 1
If you go to my website on the.
Speaker 1
Uh, media tab.
Speaker 1
You can find a link to it, but it was one of his captains corner.
Speaker 1
It was when he had just finished it and you'll see our it's hard to distinguish us.
Speaker 1
Some people can't distinguish our voices, and that's kind of fun.
Speaker 1
Every now this yeah.
Speaker 1
But anyways, yeah, he talks through some of those those points in nationalism too, and even the point I brought up about people using the gay gay pride flag.
Speaker 1
Rainbow flag and that's the same type of thing like connected to like his idea of nationalism like what it means that.
Speaker 1
Salvation Army and other denominations might get closest to is a nation in itself.
Speaker 1
Now there is that that gets some challenges too because of the way nationalism.
Speaker 1
Tends to be a tool within our within the Academy.
Speaker 1
That is, you know, not favorable SAT nathans approach.
Speaker 1
But anyhow, yeah.
Speaker 1
No, that's another story that's so good.
Speaker 1
OK, so Phil, we don't know what what's your.
Speaker 1
Here's a random question.
Speaker 1
Like if if you had to get on a stage if we got if I got if you got invited.
Speaker 1
Somewhere to Grand Ole Opry at.
Speaker 1
Night and they said we need you get 4 minutes.
Speaker 1
Do one of your pieces.
Speaker 1
What is it?
Speaker 1
What are you gonna?
Speaker 11
Do well, talk about contextualization, and on the Grand Ole Opry it used to be much more.
Speaker 11
You know solely a country venue.
Speaker 11
Now all different kinds of artists pass through there, but you know, I I've written a few songs that could be a song called Carolina Girl for my Mother.
Speaker 11
Oh yeah, pretty close.
Speaker 11
close to a country song.
Speaker 11
I might do that one.
Speaker 1
OK, whatever you went to The Tonight Show.
Speaker 11
Ah, well, I've got a song I'm I've got some songs I'm working on right now that are.
Speaker 1
All good salesman let us know it's coming.
Speaker 1
We want to buy it it.
Speaker 11
Well, here's the thing.
Speaker 11
As you, as anybody who knows me for more than five minutes, will know I have many ideas and I'm great at starting things.
Speaker 11
My problem is actually.
Speaker 11
Finishing them so I've been working on an album for.
Speaker 11
Different members of my family for probably five years now, and it's just dumb.
Speaker 11
I missed our 20th anniversary.
Speaker 11
My wife and I was this past April.
Speaker 11
So, uhm, I missed the deadline to get it out by then, but I'm hoping by the end of this year.
Speaker 11
To have another album so.
Speaker 12
The best thing to do?
Speaker 11
Is just go to later.
Speaker 11
Net and sign up for my newsletter so.
Speaker 1
There you go.
Speaker 1
That sounds good.
Speaker 1
Well, yeah, you know, Abby Knight.
Speaker 1
We're getting dark 20th anniversary in two days.
Speaker 1
So we I don't think I realized that that yeah, yeah university.
Speaker 11
Oh wow, congratulations man.
Speaker 11
Happy you too.
Speaker 1
Speaker 11
20 years is a long time, it's a.
Speaker 11
Big deal, yeah?
Speaker 1
Yeah, well, it's so good.
Speaker 1
Thanks Phil for taking time right?
Speaker 1
So would be fun and and look, you know I should get things going.
Speaker 1
Like I would be glad to have you back.
Speaker 1
More than once.
Speaker 1
A year, you know, to to talk through some different and even as you respond to some things that I'm talking about something as a couple of news.
Speaker 1
Or if you have something to share, I think I think the people who are my audio.
Speaker 1
It's they're your fans for sure.
Speaker 1
I think a good chunk of them.
Speaker 1
I would love you to keep on connecting me to them.
Speaker 1
If I can.
Speaker 11
Yeah good yeah, I'm happy to be on and talk about anything and and don't forget to send me I.
Speaker 11
Don't know you need to.
Speaker 11
Do a plug for your thing.
Speaker 11
You got coming out on Jude because I asked you to send me an email about it and you haven't sent me an email yet, so.
Speaker 1
Oh man, you got me OK so yeah here it's coming and I I didn't even remind you to do that.
Speaker 1
That's thanks for saying it.
Speaker 1
Uhm, yes, so I've presented this material on Jude five Times Now, and I've refined it, and I've found that this idea, that kind of the context of.
Speaker 1
Jude is in verse four.
Speaker 1
It says a group of people have secretly slipped in.
Speaker 1
Those are.
Speaker 1
That's a translation from an Ivy who are leading the people towards antinomianism.
Speaker 1
Like it's living as if God grace is just a license to do whatever they want and he calls him to contend for the faith and then he goes on to contend for the faith once for all delivered to the Saints.
Speaker 1
I mean, this is like a message toward this same thing that I'm trying to talk about in.
Speaker 1
And throughout this podcast, the great conceptual tradition of the church what has been handed down like that's our task is to contend to fight for that faith and what I found in Jude.
Speaker 1
There's all kinds of crazy little stories in there that are from the Apocrypha, from extra non canonical text and they seem.
Speaker 1
Absolutely bananas to our ears. Like if you read through Jude it's like what is going on in this crazy little letter 25 verses.
Speaker 1
But if you get just a little bit behind what those stories are and how it fits into Jude's are.
Speaker 1
Argument I think it speaks incredibly powerfully to our time, particularly the sexual revolution, because most of those situations are dealing with people who are tempted to move away from God.
Speaker 1
Design for sexuality.
Speaker 1
And so I found it to be really powerful.
Speaker 1
Kind of like.
Speaker 1
A foundation from which I can speak into the current cultural situation.
Speaker 1
So this is my next step in the podcast is like, OK, I have this audience.
Speaker 1
I want to serve them better.
Speaker 1
I can keep on putting out a weekly podcast or I I have some people like one of my.
Speaker 1
Sponsors Bill Roberts.
Speaker 1
Do you know Bill?
Speaker 11
I don't think so.
Speaker 1
He's in the east in the Detroit area.
Speaker 1
His parents are Salvation Army officers, and so he he.
Speaker 1
He came in and said, look, I.
Speaker 1
I mean, our small group could use a a Bible study, anything you can put together maybe?
Speaker 1
I mean, I could help you if you need anything to make it happen, and so that was I'm like wow, well, that's a great idea.
Speaker 1
Like I that would help me think.
Speaker 1
Use my time but then.
Speaker 1
I saw I could do Jude and then I've grammed.
Speaker 1
Actually, I took Grim Cochran course on making courses and so I figured out a way that I can package this together so it'll be a resource for people.
Speaker 1
And then I have some extra bonus material.
Speaker 1
Holiness and Jude Genesis six, one through 4.
Speaker 1
It's a crazy passage to that.
Speaker 1
Jude quotes.
Speaker 1
But then now I say crazy.
Speaker 1
It's hard to understand and I try to break it down.
Speaker 1
Eternal Security and Jude all kinds of extra preaching Jude, different bonus things on top of the Bible study.
Speaker 1
But the idea is people should be able to use it in a small group or Sunday school class, or just.
Speaker 1
For their own.
Speaker 1
For their own Bible said themselves, so it's very simple, but in in that it's presentation I don't have like a video crew doing it.
Speaker 1
It's like me in this chair working through the material, but I think it's something that will give me opportunity to offer something to my audience that they might be looking for and to for me not to have to spend a weekend away from my family.
Speaker 1
Could do it.
Speaker 11
Yeah, I love it.
Speaker 11
It's awesome.
Speaker 1
This is coming out in July, thank.
Speaker 1
You for asking.
Speaker 11
Yeah cool yeah yeah awesome man.
Speaker 1
Anything else do you want?
Speaker 1
To talk about or.
Speaker 1
Second bullet legarde.net, right?
SpeAudio file
MTTS- Anniversary Edition.mp3
This is the more to the story podcast with Doctor Andy Miller.
Jo B.
We hope you guys enjoyed today's conversation.
Well here we are on the 52nd episode of the more to the story podcast, and I have several things in store for you now.
You just heard my kickoff music, which has been playing for 52 episodes, and that's the last time you'll hear it.
Because we have a new graphic and.
And a new soundtrack, a new intro for all of the podcasts coming forward.
And that is coming to you from Phil Legger.
You can find links him, and of course he's coming up later in the podcast, so you'll want to check that out.
Also, I have several friends who've reached out to me and have recorded short little testimonials of what they've thought of the podcast and what it's meant to them.
And if you have something you'd like to say, I'd like to include those in upcoming podcasts so you can just find me online and go to Andy Miller.
3rd com I would love to include if you find one that's particularly.
Helpful even if you have a subtle critique, I take the.
But if there's a.
Particular episode that's been interesting to you that you found.
Helpful, I'd love to share that.
Thanks so much for being a part of this community and I'm I'm thankful that God has brought you my listeners into my life and I look forward to sharing this anniversary episode with you.
Alright, here's the new music.
Check it out from Phil Legger.
Dr. Addinngton Coppin
Doctor Miller I'm very very proud of you even though we haven't met.
Dr. Addington Coppon
I'm very pleased to say that I've become a raving fan.
Dr. Addington Coppon
Of your work.
Dr. Addington Coppon
And I look forward to seeing great things coming.
Dr. Addington Coppon
From you in.
Dr. Addington Coppon
The future.
Dr. Addington Coppon
Let me say that from the promise for the Mortal Story podcast in the Terry first episode.
Dr. Addington Coppon
I will say.
Dr. Addington Coppon
To you, my brother, that you have not disappointed.
Dr. Addington Coppon
I've been there with you most of the way.
Dr. Addington Coppon
Obviously an older perspective than yours, but I think that you're off to a great start.
Dr. Addington Coppon
What I heard you say from the very first episode is that we could expect from this podcast an Orthodox Wesleyan worldview that celebrates and raises to significance the idea of the.
Dr. Addington Coppon
Holy life.
Dr. Addington Coppon
I'm there with you.
Dr. Addington Coppon
I loved when you said holiness or love eliminating sin, but we can also expect interviews and basic theological reflection addressing current issues.
Dr. Addington Coppon
Also, critical thinking, that's one of my big agendas.
Dr. Addington Coppon
Critical thinking about the governance model of the Salvation Army Army history holding U.S.
Dr. Addington Coppon
history and church.
Dr. Addington Coppon
History and that we could also expect an emphasis on the significance of lifelong learning, emphasizing the importance of Christian education.
Dr. Addington Coppon
Getting the brightest minds to encourage us and using the things that they're saying for the life of the church and our lives.
Dr. Addington Coppon
Let me say I've been impressed with the caliber of the guest that you've brought on.
Dr. Addington Coppon
I've also been impressed with your own.
Dr. Addington Coppon
Commentaries your own thinking.
Dr. Addington Coppon
I'm impressed with your knowledge and your eagerness for the Salvation Army.
Dr. Addington Coppon
I appreciate the reflections addressing current issues, but certainly the Orthodox resident worldview is a large part of why I'm here.
Dr. Addington Coppon
Committed to that worldview, I'm glad you are.
Dr. Addington Coppon
I'm glad I am and I look forward to hearing more from you.
Dr. Addington Coppon
And more to the story.
Dr. Addington Coppon
So what can I say in conclusion, very proud of you.
Dr. Addington Coppon
Wish you all the best in your endeavors, academic as well as podcasting.
Dr. Addington Coppon
God bless you my friend.
Matt K.
Hey Andy, Matt came here hailing all the way from BC Canada I.
Matt K.
I just wanted to say congratulations on the milestone podcasts.
Matt K.
52 episodes I think. Keep it up man. It's good stuff. Congratulations, keep stick to the word of God as you do everything here.
Matt K.
Producing this encouraging content is doctrinally sound.
Matt K.
I remember that episode you did with Chick Yule, though I think you could have picked them apart a bit more.
Matt K.
I think you went too easy on him anyway.
Matt K.
Maybe next time.
Matt K.
God bless you buddy.
Matt K.
Take care.
Hi Andy, just wanting to say congratulations on a year of an incredible podcast.
More to the story has been such an inspiration.
It has created some great discussion around important issues of our day.
Hey, I really appreciate you bringing on people like Matt O'Reilly and Kevin Watson and others who are really helping me see the connection between the Salvation Army and and and and our connection with our our broader Western community.
You'd be doing a great service to helping broadening.
My horizons and I really appreciate you and wish you all the best in this next year.
Well, welcome to the one year anniversary episode of the Mortis Story Podcast.
Thank you for being a part of this community.
If you've checked this out, I just want to take some time on this podcast to highlight some of the highlights from this past year.
We've had a lot of fun with this and I've enjoyed like the interviews I've done.
The issues I've responded to and today.
On the podcast I have a special guest coming along and a little shorter interview and it's more of just a conversation with me and Phil Legger.
You might remember those of you who are long time fans first time callers.
So long time fans.
Of Bill Leger was a very first guest and I think our audiences are very similar, not in some of you don't know him at all, and so I'm glad to introduce you to him, particularly my the audience folks who've come along you know interesting now if I I was looking at the stats preparing for this little bit of conversation here that added 104 hundred subscribers.
And I think people who get.
It just in this.
Past year people.
Who get onto this podcast?
They're like it's like, become a community that I've loved and I've heard from many of you, and you've signed up for my email list and I appreciate that.
And there's a.
There's a lot of things coming out.
Want to just talk through a few of the things that have been enjoyable to me this year and maybe tell you some of the behind the scenes of some of those things.
But as we work through this.
Phil Phil comes on and I'd give a few more announcements on there of things that are coming up.
You might notice and something I didn't say on my interview with Phil.
And that he's agreed to write a song for the opening and closing of this podcast.
Isn't that cool, so I'll have my own song now.
I'll admit my wife is a fan of the Annie F Downs Podcast, and she's like, You Know, podcast superstar.
So I, I and I listened to it occasionally too and she had some may, right?
For that.
It's my idea.
I like my music.
I want to thank Brendan Moore.
He was a person who helped me kind of put some of the podcast pieces together a year ago and at the same time his wife Sarah is helping me even now put some things together.
She's done my graphics since January and Ashley Ramsey, Ashley Klemanski, oh I forget her married name.
Now forgive me actually.
It's coming off the top of my head.
She was one who designed the original graphic and she helped me for the first several months, making that happen and advised me understand, it's her voice that's at the very beginning of this first year of podcasts, where she says we hope you guys enjoy this conversation, so that's actually formally Ashley Ramsey who worked at the Salvation Army in Tampa, so we're so thankful for various.
People come along OK.
I want to tell you a few things, so you might be able figure this people if you go and you look at my YouTube channel you can probably figure this out, but there's more information about my top podcasts so.
So my some of my top podcasts were #5.
Was my interview with Oh my my debate with conversation with Chick Yule where is title like Progressive and Conservative salvationists like in the way that we engage and think about our articles of faith and how that impacts our daily life. So that was number 5 #4 was my response to his talk.
At the included conference.
Number three was I might have missed mix.
I didn't.
I didn't actually get it pulled up.
I don't wanna.
Look at my.
Screen right now.
So my interview with Matt Roden, who was a pastor of a large church in Tampa area and now is in the Santa Barbara area and it was him comparing Mega Church and kind of small church world and that that was a great interview then I had.
My number three was the the conversation I had with Matt Ayers talking about mixed messages in the Salvation Army and other denominations on human sexuality and some of that has come to light even more so in the last week, which I have a growing podcast from last week with Steve Bussey.
It's not quite in the.
The top category yet, but it's it's probably headed there because we are addressing some of the challenging issues in our denomination, and with an eye towards all of you who are not in the Salvation Army too, who are dealing with similar issues, then I had my podcast where I worked through some of the challenges that came around the Christmas season with some of the information that came out on a.
Document called let's talk about.
Racism and I was just addressing some of that, and I the kind of catchy title, was has the Salvation Army gone.
Woke and we were just working through kind of some of the challenges in the communication in that period. Then #1 interesting enough was my interview with Keith Boyette, who is the leader of the Global Methodist Church.
Right now now I might have his title long, but that podcast is maybe it has to do with any way I named it, which is at United Methodism comma.
What's going on?
Question mark.
That was it, and for whatever reason, YouTube has smiled upon that video, and I think it's right. At 6000 on YouTube.
But my audio podcast, like people don't get to see those numbers as well, so altogether that one is still my number one, but there's several of the audio podcasts that have gone interesting like some.
So here's an interesting one.
Even though my interview with Kevin Brown, the President of Aspen University, the YouTube video has not gone very far there.
For whatever reason, even though very fine looking person.
Nothing to do with how we look, or maybe how I looked on that, but the audio version of Kevin's interview is pretty high. It might not be the highest, but it's pretty close to it.
The same thing is true with a few other podcasts.
For the audio version, maybe it has to do with one person who shared it here or there, so I think.
That's interesting.
I think one thing I wanted to give like 2 examples of key moments in my podcast this year that have been helpful for me.
One was the unexpected appreciation people had for being introduced to Katie.
Faust in the organization them before us, and I say Katy Faust brought the straight fire on that podcast, and the way she was able to frame, which typically identifies human like family values, issues, abortion, same sex marriage, and like within the context of children and the rights of children.
Fascinating and I have I've had a lot of.
People reach out to me consistently for months.
To talk about.
How meaningful that podcast was for them and that one is in my top ten, but it's.
But is it that one is really good?
And then I'll say my top.
Moment was with Oz Guinness.
I'm so honored to have him on.
I was.
Pretty nervous some of you guys could probably tell if you listen for a while that I'm trying to stay stay in the right.
Position here for the camera.
When I get nervous and that was definitely one of those times where I was wanting to ask the right questions.
But I asked him the question that I get a lot.
Well, can't just faithful Christians disagree?
I mean, can't we just disagree about human sexuality or the authority of Scripture and the like, and he very quickly turned back.
And I was like pretty stunned.
I think I talked quickly, but I.
I was still stunned.
I was.
Trying to come say he said faithful, to whom?
I'm not sure if he said who are faithful to who, but faithful to whom him man that moment.
Oh my goodness that really caught me off guard in in the sense of like that's the question and he said, are we faithful to the Lord into Scripture?
So that's the question of what we're faithful to.
Like what what does it mean to be a faithful Christian and also be like I think that that's what I'm trying to do.
I want to encourage people in their discipleship.
You know, their own personal Bible reading and and devotional time and their own spiritual formation, but encourage.
People to go.
Deeper theologically and in their study of scripture.
That's why the study I'm going to talk about in my interview here at Phil of June.
So important, like I think this is a little book of 25 verses. It's probably one page in your Bible that a lot of people forget about.
I just want to encourage you to check it out, like to go a little deeper in June.
That's some of the things I'm trying to offer here in the future.
So I have some other things coming on if I I don't say this very often, I can't take too many opportunities, but I would love to come.
If you're looking for somebody to speak at something or share via video.
I'm available to do that.
The podcast has been Ave to that Jake Turner.
Mike and Cindy Dickinson like they're they're people I didn't know and I've become my friends here in the last couple months and they've had me come out to speak at various events.
I'm headed out to the Eastern Territory to do some things later this later this summer.
There's been some other opportunities to have come up, so these are these are just ways that the gods use of podcasts in my life.
I didn't expect this.
I didn't expect the use in this way, but I'm thankful for opportunity.
I have to serve you this audience.
And to do more of this in the future, and also it's offering some resources to church leaders, for instance.
Like my thing, I know if you've heard me regularly my free resource. It's eight page document with a 45 minute teaching.
It's available for people. It's five steps to deeper teaching and preaching, and you can find that Andy Miller, thethird.com and like on that.
Like I'll send that to folks, and I even had somebody contact me if some of you are interested in this, let me know and maybe I can figure out a way that I can put something together or we can offer retreat.
Uhm, there is somebody asking as a result of seeing that video.
Dan Fan, Dez, who I appreciate old friend of mine.
I haven't talked to in a long time about offering like a preaching conference.
I'm I'm a totally game for that.
I just to figure out how to make it happen when logistics and that kind of thing, but if I can if I can help with that type of thing let me know.
So the thus into all the commercials you're going to hear from a few of my friends who have reached out to me with some encouraging words, and they share some things that they've enjoyed about podcasts.
And my interview with Phil and looking forward to having his his peace kind of come along at some point here and say, oh, I didn't think one very important person.
I need to think.
Five important people, but Sarah Moore is coming along, and oh, I did.
Thank her.
She helped me with my graphics and she's doing a great job helping with some of the details of the podcast.
And I need to thank Jeff Bakos.
Who puts together the video content and he helps me get the audio together.
He is.
He's our registrar.
Here at Wesley Biblical Seminary, so I think Sam and I should be thinking.
Of course my family, who have been in my chief encourager to the podcast and form our guests.
So my wife, Abby, who will be celebrating our 20th anniversary here in in two days and then Andy, Titus and Georgia.
Thank you so much for encouraging me in this and being a part of the more to the story team as the kids say Moto Stove.
Po motoso Pope.
That's they they kind of called the podcast sometime I don't.
It hasn't really caught that much all right, here's a here's the interview with Phil Leger and some words from from Friends of mine.
God bless you all.
Thanks for being a part of the.
Abby and Kids
Mortise story podcast.
Abby and Kids
Well hi, this is the rest of the Miller family.
Abby and Kids
I'm Abby.
Jo B.
I'm Georgia, I'm Titus.
And I'm Andy and.
This is bolt.
This little guy up.
Dr. Addington Coppon
Here is lepiej.
Abby and Kids
And we just want to say congratulations to them or to the story podcast for completing one whole year.
Abby and Kids
And and we have been praying for this podcast.
Abby and Kids
I feel like we've been on the prayer support team and a few moments where we're like what's going to happen.
Abby and Kids
How is this going to work out?
Abby and Kids
But we keep asking God to use it and direct it and we're proud of Andy.
Abby and Kids
Right out of.
Abby and Kids
Y'all's dad for doing this.
Chris D
As in our dad, not as in.
Chris D
This city this.
Abby and Kids
Is the 4th?
Abby and Kids
Yeah, there's a few handies.
Abby and Kids
In our house.
Jo B.
Hey, my name.
Jo B.
Is Joe bruckshaw?
Jo B.
I'm from Perth, Australia and I wanted to say to Andy Miller.
Jo B.
Thank you for your more to the story podcast.
Jo B.
I want to thank you for the way that you dive deep into complex theological issues.
Jo B.
I thank you for the guests that you bring onto your program the way that you carefully and with compassion seek to find out what their perspective is on the issues that you're presenting.
Jo B.
I want to thank you for the way that you dive deep into the Bible and that you.
Jo B.
Present from your Salvation Army background what it is that is important theologically to Christians.
Jo B.
And so I want to say thank you today for the way that you present this podcast.
Jo B.
It has been so helpful to me when I'm looking into some of the deeper issues of our faith and the the challenges of our.
Jo B.
World and I found it so helpful to me to be able to refer back to to a podcast that you have done and find some support and some answers potentially to the issues that I'm looking into.
Jo B.
So thank you and God bless you, and I wish you many, many more podcasts to come and many more.
Jo B.
Issues that are dealt with biblically and with a pastoral heart.
Jo B.
So thank you Andy.
Jo B.
God bless you mate.
Amber Meo
Hey I am captain amber Mayo.
Amber Meo
I am a Salvation Army officer currently serving in Vera Beach, Florida headed to Memphis, TN to be a Salvation Army Adult rehabilitation center.
Amber Meo
Administrador I've appreciated the way that he challenges our denomination in a godly and loving way and encourages his listeners to think critically about things.
Amber Meo
My favorite episode to date, Andy.
Amber Meo
Podcast with Steve.
Amber Meo
Just recently talking about theological faithfulness, doctrinal faithfulness, congratulations.
Amber Meo
Andy on one year.
Amber Meo
Here with the Model Story podcast and I look forward to many, many more episodes of your podcast.
Amber Meo
It's been a blessing to me and I would just like to say that it's been a blessing to many young salvationists who are trying to flesh out these ideas and.
Amber Meo
Figure out where they stand and congratulations, keep it up.
Amber Meo
We'll keep listening, thanks.
Well here we are on the anniversary episode of the more to the story podcast.
And when this thing started a year ago, the same guy was on this show with me.
So Phil.
Welcome to the show.
Phil Laeger
Thanks man, thank you for having me back.
Phil Laeger
Uh, I took you a whole year, but I'm not.
Phil Laeger
It's OK.
Phil Laeger
I'm not offended.
Phil Laeger
And congratulations then.
I don't, I don't know.
If I have many people on.
Twice so a couple a couple OK alright.
Phil Laeger
OK, OK all right.
But you're every year.
Phil Laeger
That softens the blow, just.
Phil Laeger
That softens the blow, just a.
Phil Laeger
Little bit, that's good.
You're guaranteed a yearly interview from me, I promise.
Phil Laeger
Congratulations man, this and this is you.
Phil Laeger
You have done so many different topics.
Phil Laeger
Over the past.
Phil Laeger
Year and most of them I agree with you about your conclusions on them.
Phil Laeger
So I'm gonna keep listening.
OK, good most of them I know I.
Know we have.
A little trouble with the India gram.
Phil Laeger
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah.
Well, it's it's not me.
It's I.
I interviewed somebody there I'm I'm probably leaning toward Christburg view, but I don't judge anybody because you call yourself a number.
Phil Laeger
Sure, sure we are all more than a number that that's definitely for sure.
Phil Laeger
Whatever you standing on the ideogram we were more than just.
A number Amen, but it's been fine.
It was a fun thing to be able to put those out and I appreciate you you little notes of encouragement along the way.
It's been nice to have that, and you know, last year we were we were both in different places.
I was in Tampa.
I was still serving to the salvation.
Army officer you were.
I think coming from like trying to find a quiet place at camp and Camp Tecumseh in New Jersey, right?
Phil Laeger
That's right, yeah, we moved and and we we were there up until November of last year and then we moved.
Phil Laeger
From you know the Northeast back to where I'm originally from the South.
Phil Laeger
We moved.
Phil Laeger
Mount Juliet, TN, which is just a little bit outside of Nashville.
Phil Laeger
And yeah.
So what's going on there?
I'm sure a lot of my folks like you know.
Are interested like.
I think you know how this goes.
Several of us are such big fans of yours, Phil that we just think like there's no reason you shouldn't be winning a Grammy or any number of things like we just think.
Now you're in Nashville.
Every will discover you I hope.
Please have you what?
What's this?
What's going on?
Like tell me what's more to the story of why you fill.
In this family going there.
Phil Laeger
You're very, you're very encouraging.
Phil Laeger
Thank you for that.
Phil Laeger
I I would I would I take a Grammy.
Phil Laeger
Somebody wants to give me a Grammy.
Phil Laeger
That's fine, I don't think that anything I've released yet is worthy of Grammy status, but I I kind of moved here hoping to connect with more songwriters.
Phil Laeger
And not necessarily performing, although I do perform as well, but I love to write.
Phil Laeger
You know, that's my heart is writing.
Phil Laeger
I just love writing and you know, if Tim McGraw or some other big country artist wants to write one of my songs, that would be.
Phil Laeger
Amazing but I I.
Phil Laeger
Moved here with Sarah, you know, for many reasons.
Phil Laeger
We'd always thought about Nashville for some of the things you just talked about.
Phil Laeger
Some yeah, great Music City.
Phil Laeger
But my my wife always wanted to branch out.
Phil Laeger
Last year she started her YouTube business where she's flipping furniture.
Phil Laeger
She has custom furniture and have a YouTube channel. ** ***** she's getting up there, she's aren't. Yes, she's on her way to 10,000 subscribers, so go check her out. It's 4:45.
And very successfully right?
I mean she's got huge YouTube.
Phil Laeger
Designs is our YouTube channel, if you.
Phil Laeger
Want to check it out?
Phil Laeger
Yes, and we deliver furniture too.
Phil Laeger
So if you.
Phil Laeger
Find a piece.
Phil Laeger
And you want it delivered, you just.
Phil Laeger
You just let me know.
Phil Laeger
OK, I'll I'll drive it to your.
Phil Laeger
Front door so.
You're the delivery service.
Phil Laeger
But yeah, she's she's.
Phil Laeger
She's doing that and I I'm I'm writing I'm.
Phil Laeger
I'm producing an album for a friend.
Phil Laeger
Uhm, what else am I doing?
Phil Laeger
Uh, yeah, you know how?
Phil Laeger
Email goes with freelance musicians we.
Phil Laeger
Just do a bit of this and a bit of that.
Phil Laeger
I'll be on the road this summer doing some backyard.
Phil Laeger
We talked before we started doing some backyard worship nights, OK?
Like you said, like my backyard, if if I was able to afford to bring you in, you come in my backyard.
Phil Laeger
I don't know if you want to go.
Phil Laeger
Yeah, I ardent absolutely and you could.
Phil Laeger
You could definitely forward me.
Oh can OK.
Phil Laeger
I I haven't won any, I haven't.
Phil Laeger
Won any Grammys yet so?
Phil Laeger
You could definitely afford me.
Phil Laeger
No, I I just.
Phil Laeger
I just had this thought and I mentioned to Sarah she said yeah, it's a great idea.
Phil Laeger
Once you put on Facebook and see what people think and I I just love the thought of of worshipping.
Phil Laeger
People in their backyard, whether it's a you.
Phil Laeger
Know a whole.
Phil Laeger
Church community or or just friends neighborhood yeah.
Phil Laeger
Something about.
Phil Laeger
You know, I've I've done performances and those are fine, but there's just something about gathering community and and just and and, you know, kicking off your shoes let you know.
Phil Laeger
I think it it erases some of those.
Phil Laeger
Barriers between stage and audience, you know?
Phil Laeger
And yes, you.
Phil Laeger
Can sort of gather and and and be free.
Phil Laeger
And, you know, holy Holy Spirit can do it a lot with those times, I think.
Phil Laeger
You know where?
Phil Laeger
It's just those informal real real life.
Phil Laeger
You know.
Phil Laeger
Sometimes in church you know that this is a pastor.
Phil Laeger
You can get there.
Phil Laeger
There can be that separation.
Phil Laeger
You know what goes on stage and what goes on in the audience in the congregation.
Phil Laeger
And I'm sorry not audience congregation.
Phil Laeger
Yeah, but with the backyard thing, you just have a chance.
Phil Laeger
To you know, worship together and be really formal and people let their guard down more and.
Phil Laeger
I think that's where some magic can happen, so I'm hoping for that this summer I've got a few people in New York area and Midwest and out West, and if any of your listeners are interested in reaching out to me and I'll be happy to entertain that too.
I love the, you know, Rend Collective had an album like a uh, like a fireside album or something where they recorded out around a fire.
And I just the image of that was appealing to me of people being around in community sharing something about being in a circle together.
I I have something come on podcast later this summer, he's invented as a founder of a board game company and it's keymaster games.
Phil Laeger
Interesting and Kyle Keys his name.
And he finally got to play.
So like what he was trying to do was the goal of the game is to get people around.
The table, and that's what he that's his.
Phil Laeger
That's his mission to get people around the table, and he uses to make that happen, and so that I don't mean to spoil it too much, but it took me a while to get to them, but the mission was after we.
Phil Laeger
Yeah wow.
Heard this really interesting story.
But like for you to be in this.
Place where you're.
Going to get people maybe around a campfire, but in a backyard you're trying to break down.
Some barriers 'cause there's something like you said magic can happen like I think God the Holy Spirit is at work uniquely.
When the community comes together, like in it may be a informal space.
Phil Laeger
Back, yeah, I think so, you know.
Phil Laeger
As somebody who doesn't have any normal job, you know as I don't go to a desk and sit at a desk, it's taken me.
Phil Laeger
I don't think.
Phil Laeger
A lot of creatives are like this.
Phil Laeger
It takes you a while to figure out what your purpose is.
Phil Laeger
Is to hone in, especially if you're if you're a freelancing artist like myself, to to really just, you know I don't clock in.
Phil Laeger
I'm really asking, OK?
Phil Laeger
Uh, what do I do?
Phil Laeger
How do I contribute to the world and meet in a meaningful way with the gifts I have?
Phil Laeger
You know, worship is a, it's it's what the Lord has made me to do.
Phil Laeger
Worship and and getting specifically getting other people to worship.
Phil Laeger
And you know my my my, we've talked about this before, but my goal is a congregational worship leaders.
Phil Laeger
Always so that I can be able to step back away from the mic and I think you know to hear the people praise God.
Phil Laeger
That that's my goal.
Phil Laeger
And what better way to do that than in a backyard, you know?
Phil Laeger
So and I'm I, I'm excited.
Phil Laeger
I really am excited about the the just I can you know can hear people worshipping already in my head so I'm yeah I'm excited about that what about you man?
Phil Laeger
You you've done quite a bit as well since since you first started this podcast.
Yeah, it's been an interesting journey like I would.
People might have heard me say a few times.
That I had this podcast called Captain Corner, and when Abby I announced that we were leaving Officership, several people reached out to me about a dozen.
That just said, hey keep that going.
Keep that going so so.
I started to.
Feel out like would there be an interest?
Would people really want me to keep doing this?
And so I did, and you were my first interview and at that point I met with a guy named Graham Cochrane and I'm encouraged, people look.
Him up, he was somebody you might have even heard.
I don't know like he.
As a audio engineering background and he went to a church plant in Tampa and he, his daughter and my daughter were friends who went to a birthday party together and and I don't know if you've been in those kind of awkward situations where you're after a birthday party or just sharing with somebody with your kids playing and I asked him what he did and he's like I'm a you tuber.
Just like you know Sarah, it's like interesting, so like OK, this first time I've ever had that, but it turns out like so he came to plan a church and he was, I think, like on food stamps and like had a part time job and he made a couple of videos for his for some friends on how to do some things with church audio.
Phil Laeger
Yeah, I've heard of grammar talking yeah, yeah.
And then he made some recording.
Oh, you've heard of him?
Phil Laeger
Yeah yeah Marty, Marty, our mutual friend.
Phil Laeger
Marty Michael put him on to me is a big big fan.
Phil Laeger
Yeah Oh yeah.
Audio revolution or something? Yep.
So anyways, he's uh.
I don't know anything about why he does it.
Audio stuff, but.
He's he now has a New York Times bestselling book.
On on how to get paid for what you know.
And so I met with him and he developed this audience.
He wasn't even.
I don't think even trying at first he was just and people liked what he was sharing and he was just sharing what was like real basic for him.
And then he just developed it more and more.
So I met with him.
And I kind of I was a little embarrassed about my podcasts.
Like yeah, I'm keeping going at at the time.
My biggest podcast was with Israel Gayther and it was like 800 downloads and I said that kind of sheepishly. He's like man, that's good.
And he said, what do you average?
And I forget what, and so he he just kind of asked me a few things real quick.
He's like yo, you've got audience.
You've got a real audience like and I think.
The the kind of.
Subscriber rate that I thought I had was.
Something like.
At that time 70 maybe, maybe, like in sometimes it would drop to 50 and they they can't tell that.
If you ever.
Do a podcast like they don't really know how many people are subscribed.
So as I was describing what I was doing, he's like, well, let's get together.
So I bought him lunch.
He didn't need me to buy him lunch because I've learned he's makes over $1,000,000 a year on his YouTube videos. Various things.
But and I bought him lunch so I could talk to.
And so he gave me a couple of quick tips.
I signed up for one of his classes and and I just realized that here.
Here's what, like with the podcast like I knew I was.
I I love theological education like I love what I'm doing.
Teaching preaching theology, leading and faculty.
All that sort of stuff.
Designing curriculum.
This is I made great place for me there and.
I love preaching, but I love my audience like I love these group of people that not everybody in my audience and I'm not like kicking anybody out.
But I realize there's a group of people who like the way that I interact with people they like some of the.
Things I have to say.
And I'm I'm pretty bold, willing to get out and ask people who I'm intimidated by to come on my podcast and willing to debate some things.
And I honestly like this year has been a unique thing for me because I've had the opportunity to serve this group of people who I love, and so I think that's what's kind of fun.
For me it's like I get I get every week I get thank you notes from people all over the.
World, particularly in our denomination, which we both love and you know, there's some challenges theologically and so as people are working through that they appreciate me coming at this from a Orthodox evangelical Wesleyan tradition.
And I know there's a lot of.
Words and describe them.
Phil Laeger
No no no I.
Phil Laeger
Mean I I would I I would agree I I love being part of your audience and I think that the things that you talk.
Phil Laeger
Talk about.
Phil Laeger
Some people are talking about anyway, you know, and I one thing I appreciated about what I know.
Phil Laeger
You recently had a conversation with Steve Busey about you.
Phil Laeger
Guys covered a bunch of.
Phil Laeger
A bunch of things that you talked about how a small a small group of people can really influence the the you know.
Phil Laeger
The conversation the the discourse that happens and can really influence a whole organization, denomination.
Phil Laeger
Even so.
Phil Laeger
I mean, I think it's important that that you have the ability to to speak, you know.
Phil Laeger
Which, like Orthodox Wesleyan elanjikal perspective on on these things.
Phil Laeger
I mean, that's important, because there are definitely other voices out there there that are.
Phil Laeger
Not not speaking those things.
Phil Laeger
So yeah, yeah.
Yeah, it's interesting.
Like even today I got.
I mean, there's there's people who are discouraged by what they see happening in certain places, and maybe it's just like I still affirm that the kind of the core center of what makes up most evangelical denominations.
And I think of those, particularly the holiness tradition like.
Nazarene Wesleyan, like in the Salvation Army like a very kind of this.
Pure model that's connected to whatever their statement of faith is, but I had somebody write me today like there's there's folks.
I mean, this is a I'm not going to identify who it was, but in another country I don't even say what country they're like.
People are using the rainbow flag.
In exchange of the Salvation Army flag and enrolling people as members of you know our denomination under that flag, right?
Maybe maybe you know about tonight stuff and it's just like, Oh my goodness, like now, look I.
I I we want to have as loving as a postures we can't and Phil you do a great job at that like I want to make sure people know I'm in for a conversation.
I'm into working through our hurt tablets and hang ups and all those type of things but at the same time like we have a foundation for that and and for me that starts with the first article of faith.
Phil Laeger
Yeah, absolutely yeah.
Phil Laeger
Yeah, I'm with you and I think the key and I think.
Phil Laeger
You you do this really well?
Phil Laeger
Any is is is humility right?
Phil Laeger
I mean people want us to be.
Phil Laeger
I mean people on any issue that you think about want us to be rigid.
Phil Laeger
They want us to.
Phil Laeger
Be, you know.
Phil Laeger
Which side are you on?
Phil Laeger
You know 10 more side and.
Phil Laeger
These are the you know and.
Phil Laeger
Think you know?
Phil Laeger
It's not the way I see Jesus going about his life, you know?
Phil Laeger
He he is the truth.
Phil Laeger
And yet, when he's talking with people, he disagrees that you know he's just walking, humbly, you know, and I think you do a good job of humbly asking the questions and and humbly saying, this is what I believe you know.
Phil Laeger
And this is what?
Phil Laeger
The Lord has revealed to all of us through Scripture, and this is where I stand on it.
Phil Laeger
I don't agree with you.
Phil Laeger
I love you, but this is where I I stand, yeah.
Man, I'm going to take a little.
I'm going to record that and I'm.
Going to make.
A separate YouTube video just for that.
So when people send me the and I got a few of them this past weekend, I'll I'll send them that still linger, says Blink Blink.
And this.
I appreciate it.
Phil Laeger
I I don't know.
Phil Laeger
If people will know who's still at your house or care what he?
Phil Laeger
Says, but sure, use it however you want to.
So, well, what what's happening?
Like you have a a few things happening in with all the freelance source stuff you're doing.
I want actually before I get to that I want to hear like maybe long term.
Kind of things that.
You're doing.
But you, Steve and I talked about something last week that was interesting.
We had this situation where the Salvation Army.
The UK is, possibly, you know, encouraging people to move away from language that might be offensive, and I'm all about like making sure that we're clear on the front like we marketing helped us get in with folks, but there was this.
Challenge with saying well the words blood and fire don't really connect anymore and Steve had an interesting point.
He's like the words blood and fire never connected and and then it's just not in Rome, not in the Reformation, not in the 19th century with William and Catherine Booth and you and I fell on something last last year in the very first episode.
Where we looked at your song I surrender my life to your blood and there's something to that to that language that's so important and I just don't think we should give it up.
Phil Laeger
Yeah, yeah.
Phil Laeger
Listen, I just first of all, if you're watching this, go back and listen.
Phil Laeger
You haven't watched that.
Phil Laeger
You guys, 'cause I think that you guys really you tackled why it's important you know to have this conversation and why it's important to be true to our Lord, to the word.
Phil Laeger
I I the the term blood in the terms is blood in fire.
Phil Laeger
I was just a mission to you this see before we hopped on the term blood and fire you know I was reading in John 6 today about about Jesus.
Phil Laeger
And how come he?
Talk about something that doesn't fit in with culture.
Phil Laeger
He said unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you have no part in me, and he was talking to his disciples.
Phil Laeger
Larger group.
Phil Laeger
Of people who were following him, you know?
Phil Laeger
So it was out in how the open.
Phil Laeger
He's not telling a secret message to anybody coded inside inside her language.
Phil Laeger
He's like saying unless you eat my flesh and drink.
Phil Laeger
I'm glad you have no part in me.
Phil Laeger
I I agree actually and I said this to several people.
Phil Laeger
I agree with the need to reevaluate what we say to people to make.
Phil Laeger
Sure, it's coming across.
Phil Laeger
But you know, maybe part of that conversation is just talking about our motivations, you know, and having honest conversations in community about what's our motivations.
Phil Laeger
Or do we just want to soften it?
Phil Laeger
You know, so we don't lose our donors or.
Phil Laeger
Umm, that that that even sounds harsh coming.
Phil Laeger
I don't mean that.
Phil Laeger
I'm just saying what's what's the motivation for it.
Phil Laeger
And maybe that can only.
Is it going?
To win people to.
I mean, if that's the goal, I'm willing to go there for a.
Little bit.
Sure, the same thing is true with the you know one of the channels you talked about the orange curriculum, but some people sent me.
Some resources and I looked at him and there's.
Not mentioned there.
Might be a a vague mention of brokenness.
But not sin, not hell, not heaven, it's.
I'm willing to talk through that like I.
Teach I I teach eschatology here like I'm glad to talk through options that people have dealt with across the years.
Philosophically, biblically about the afterlife, like I'm glad to have that conversation.
But we have a starting point, and I'm I'm OK to not like call people sinners, but.
At some point we need to.
Talk about sin and.
Not just broken this.
Phil Laeger
Sure, absolutely 100%. It's interesting to there's another Miller, another doctor Miller, who's written. You know, I'm I've.
Phil Laeger
We've talked about this.
Phil Laeger
Yeah he.
Phil Laeger
He's written in the case.
Phil Laeger
Nobody because people don't think I'm talking about your brother.
Phil Laeger
Nathan has, is, and he's I don't.
Phil Laeger
I don't know.
Phil Laeger
His position is at Asbury.
Phil Laeger
He's the.
He is some director of orchestra and music professor of ecology.
You should know this.
Phil Laeger
She was you're you're you're his brother.
He's professor, assistant associate professor.
How about that?
Phil Laeger
Well, he's his.
Phil Laeger
I'm reading his dissertation 'cause I have a great interest in music and the Salvation Army, but it also deals with some other stuff about.
Phil Laeger
How like, even from the very beginning you know we've had this dual?
Phil Laeger
What are we?
Phil Laeger
You know, we have this messaging to the public and then we have the messaging to our people and your brother talks about the way that that was sort of intentional to let people take what they would from you know, and and I'm I'm reading his dissertation and I write in the sidelines.
Phil Laeger
I highlight it now.
Phil Laeger
Right is this duplicitous?
Phil Laeger
Is this is this duplicitous messaging?
Phil Laeger
What does it mean to have different different messages for different audiences?
Phil Laeger
I guess in some.
Phil Laeger
Ways you could look at.
Phil Laeger
Call and say.
Phil Laeger
He's in the area up against the apostle Paul is in the area because he's a he's a thing to an unknown God.
Phil Laeger
He's he's a I see.
Phil Laeger
You're very religious and he contextualises that you know he preaches you know I'm preaching to the choir here.
Yeah yeah yeah yeah.
Phil Laeger
But then you know.
Phil Laeger
But then he eventually gets to Jesus Christ being crucified and resurrected from the dead, and that you know.
Phil Laeger
So he has a point where he's.
Phil Laeger
Going and he's he's leading people.
Phil Laeger
He's not completely abandoning the message right, right?
Phil Laeger
So I guess maybe maybe that's part of the conversation is.
Phil Laeger
Where is it going?
Phil Laeger
You know, do we say we're doing this because we want to introduce people to Jesus and get something to talk about their sin and realize their need for a savior?
Phil Laeger
Or are we just doing?
Phil Laeger
This to so you know, are we moving away from?
Phil Laeger
You guys probably covered all.
Phil Laeger
Of that in your, in, in, in your in your talks.
So yeah, we we have a well in.
Actually people are interested but my brother is saying I do have a podcast interview with him about his dissertation.
If you go to my website on the.
Uh, media tab.
You can find a link to it, but it was one of his captains corner.
It was when he had just finished it and you'll see our it's hard to distinguish us.
Some people can't distinguish our voices, and that's kind of fun.
Every now this yeah.
But anyways, yeah, he talks through some of those those points in nationalism too, and even the point I brought up about people using the gay gay pride flag.
Rainbow flag and that's the same type of thing like connected to like his idea of nationalism like what it means that.
Salvation Army and other denominations might get closest to is a nation in itself.
Now there is that that gets some challenges too because of the way nationalism.
Tends to be a tool within our within the Academy.
That is, you know, not favorable SAT nathans approach.
But anyhow, yeah.
No, that's another story that's so good.
OK, so Phil, we don't know what what's your.
Here's a random question.
Like if if you had to get on a stage if we got if I got if you got invited.
Somewhere to Grand Ole Opry at.
Night and they said we need you get 4 minutes.
Do one of your pieces.
What is it?
What are you gonna?
Phil Laeger
Do well, talk about contextualization, and on the Grand Ole Opry it used to be much more.
Phil Laeger
You know solely a country venue.
Phil Laeger
Now all different kinds of artists pass through there, but you know, I I've written a few songs that could be a song called Carolina Girl for my Mother.
Phil Laeger
Oh yeah, pretty close.
Phil Laeger
close to a country song.
Phil Laeger
I might do that one.
OK, whatever you went to The Tonight Show.
Phil Laeger
Ah, well, I've got a song I'm I've got some songs I'm working on right now that are.
All good salesman let us know it's coming.
We want to buy it it.
Phil Laeger
Well, here's the thing.
Phil Laeger
As you, as anybody who knows me for more than five minutes, will know I have many ideas and I'm great at starting things.
Phil Laeger
My problem is actually.
Phil Laeger
Finishing them so I've been working on an album for.
Phil Laeger
Different members of my family for probably five years now, and it's just dumb.
Phil Laeger
I missed our 20th anniversary.
Phil Laeger
My wife and I was this past April.
Phil Laeger
So, uhm, I missed the deadline to get it out by then, but I'm hoping by the end of this year.
Phil Laeger
To have another album so.
James F.
The best thing to do?
Phil Laeger
Is just go to later.
Phil Laeger
Net and sign up for my newsletter so.
There you go.
That sounds good.
Well, yeah, you know, Abby Knight.
We're getting dark 20th anniversary in two days.
So we I don't think I realized that that yeah, yeah university.
Phil Laeger
Oh wow, congratulations man.
Phil Laeger
Happy you too.
Phil Laeger
20 years is a long time, it's a.
Phil Laeger
Big deal, yeah?
Yeah, well, it's so good.
Thanks Phil for taking time right?
So would be fun and and look, you know I should get things going.
Like I would be glad to have you back.
More than once.
A year, you know, to to talk through some different and even as you respond to some things that I'm talking about something as a couple of news.
Or if you have something to share, I think I think the people who are my audio.
It's they're your fans for sure.
I think a good chunk of them.
I would love you to keep on connecting me to them.
If I can.
Phil Laeger
Yeah good yeah, I'm happy to be on and talk about anything and and don't forget to send me I.
Phil Laeger
Don't know you need to.
Phil Laeger
Do a plug for your thing.
Phil Laeger
You got coming out on Jude because I asked you to send me an email about it and you haven't sent me an email yet, so.
Oh man, you got me OK so yeah here it's coming and I I didn't even remind you to do that.
That's thanks for saying it.
Uhm, yes, so I've presented this material on Jude five Times Now, and I've refined it, and I've found that this idea, that kind of the context of.
Jude is in verse four.
It says a group of people have secretly slipped in.
Those are.
That's a translation from an Ivy who are leading the people towards antinomianism.
Like it's living as if God grace is just a license to do whatever they want and he calls him to contend for the faith and then he goes on to contend for the faith once for all delivered to the Saints.
I mean, this is like a message toward this same thing that I'm trying to talk about in.
And throughout this podcast, the great conceptual tradition of the church what has been handed down like that's our task is to contend to fight for that faith and what I found in Jude.
There's all kinds of crazy little stories in there that are from the Apocrypha, from extra non canonical text and they seem.
Absolutely bananas to our ears. Like if you read through Jude it's like what is going on in this crazy little letter 25 verses.
But if you get just a little bit behind what those stories are and how it fits into Jude's are.
Argument I think it speaks incredibly powerfully to our time, particularly the sexual revolution, because most of those situations are dealing with people who are tempted to move away from God.
Design for sexuality.
And so I found it to be really powerful.
Kind of like.
A foundation from which I can speak into the current cultural situation.
So this is my next step in the podcast is like, OK, I have this audience.
I want to serve them better.
I can keep on putting out a weekly podcast or I I have some people like one of my.
Sponsors Bill Roberts.
Do you know Bill?
Phil Laeger
I don't think so.
He's in the east in the Detroit area.
His parents are Salvation Army officers, and so he he.
He came in and said, look, I.
I mean, our small group could use a a Bible study, anything you can put together maybe?
I mean, I could help you if you need anything to make it happen, and so that was I'm like wow, well, that's a great idea.
Like I that would help me think.
Use my time but then.
I saw I could do Jude and then I've grammed.
Actually, I took Grim Cochran course on making courses and so I figured out a way that I can package this together so it'll be a resource for people.
And then I have some extra bonus material.
Holiness and Jude Genesis six, one through 4.
It's a crazy passage to that.
Jude quotes.
But then now I say crazy.
It's hard to understand and I try to break it down.
Eternal Security and Jude all kinds of extra preaching Jude, different bonus things on top of the Bible study.
But the idea is people should be able to use it in a small group or Sunday school class, or just.
For their own.
For their own Bible said themselves, so it's very simple, but in in that it's presentation I don't have like a video crew doing it.
It's like me in this chair working through the material, but I think it's something that will give me opportunity to offer something to my audience that they might be looking for and to for me not to have to spend a weekend away from my family.
Could do it.
Phil Laeger
Yeah, I love it.
Phil Laeger
It's awesome.
This is coming out in July, thank.
You for asking.
Phil Laeger
Yeah cool yeah yeah awesome man.
Anything else do you want?
To talk about or.
Second bullet legarde.net, right?
Phil Laeger
Legger.net and yeah, sign up for my news like that's what I'm finding lately. Is that people really do?
Phil Laeger
You can only read social media, you can reach so many people, but if you have people that subscribe to your, you know you can actually you get a direct a Direct Line to.
Phil Laeger
Them so yes.
Phil Laeger
Yeah, please subscribe.
Andymiller.com too.
While I'm at it, thanks so much Phil.
It's great to have you on.
Phil Laeger
Thanks man, it's good to.
Phil Laeger
Be here always good to have you always good.
Phil Laeger
To have you always good to be on your podcast.
Chris D
Thanks greetings, this is crystal bullets.
Chris D
I am a Salvation Army officer currently serving in Leesburg, FL.
Chris D
It's basically Central Florida right outside Orlando and I am excited just to see the one year anniversary of the more to the story podcast with my good friend Andy Miller.
Chris D
And I know for myself I have just been so blessed and encouraged by the YouTube channel, the podcast and over the last year or so, I have just learned a lot that introduced to a lot of different thinkers and authors and pastors and so many different people.
Chris D
And I think there's one thing in particular that has interested.
Chris D
Me over the last year is being introduced to a variety.
Chris D
A whole bunch of different topics.
Chris D
A whole bunch of different.
Chris D
Conversations around so many different things regarding just church leadership and theology and philosophy and cultured society and different schools of academic thought and study.
Chris D
And this and that.
Chris D
And I have just learned so much and I've just been so blessed.
Chris D
I think if there's one interview in particular that has stood out to me.
Chris D
It would probably have to be the interview that Andy did with Doctor Frank Turek.
Chris D
I know for myself when I became a Christian and I got saved and I started following Jesus.
Chris D
I got really interested in apologetics and different apologists that were out there, and I stumbled upon a Frank Turek work and just started reading and listening to a lot of this stuff.
Chris D
And I've been following him over.
Chris D
You know, over the last decade or so or so, and just I've always been fascinated by his work and and how much it's helped me in my own life and my own ministry and whatnot.
Chris D
And so when I found out that Andy was interviewing Dr.
Chris D
Turk, it was kind of cool for me to see someone that I had looked up to and kind of watched and studied and watched their ministry.
Chris D
Over the last 10-11 years and to see them talking to my my friend that was that was just really cool.
Chris D
Hit hit home for me, but I'm besides that I'd just like to say I'm very appreciative of the ministry that Andy is doing with the YouTube channel and I certainly know what's helped me.
Chris D
Be a better thinker and I hope a more faithful follower of Jesus. And so I look forward to what the future has for your ministry and pray God's richest blessings over you.
James F.
Hi, I'm James Fogle.
James F.
I'm a Nazarene pastor in Alabama.
James F.
I've been watching animals podcast for almost a year, and it's really a.
James F.
Let me give you 3 reasons why I think so.
James F.
One the topics are very relevant to the current Wesleyan holiness tradition.
James F.
#2 guests that he interviews have really substantive positive contributions for the Holiness movement today and 3rd. I'd say Andrew covers each topic with a sufficient level of depth.
James F.
Would be well worth my time to listen.
James F.
I plan to keep listening.
James F.
I hope you.
YouTube hi, we are lieutenants Robert, Kristen, Kirsten, we're Salvation Army officers in Midland, TX and we are more to the story podcast fans, super vans.
Speaker 13
Yeah, we're super fans.
Speaker 13
We have really enjoyed the podcast for quite a few reasons.
Speaker 13
One of the most important ones being giving us, you know those challenging things and resources to dig into deeper for personal development, spiritual.
Speaker 13
Growth and also so we can share, you know with our people with our ministry.
Speaker 13
A couple of episodes that really have impacted US1 up.
Speaker 13
First, the podcast that was probably very.
Speaker 13
Uhm, challenging and inspiring.
Speaker 13
Talking about the Salvation Army future.
Speaker 13
You know what's going to happen?
Speaker 13
What are some issues things we need to be aware of?
Speaker 13
What kind of you know mindset do we need to have going into the next few years?
Speaker 13
Another one that was really impactful was.
We had a conversation with a progressive Christian that's those are my favorite kind 'cause I feel like a lot of podcasts.
Speaker 13
Huh, yeah, chikila.
Just a bunch of people getting yes men that agree with them on.
And they just they just.
All agree with each other.
And I like the time when you could kind of debate and love and speak truth, see.
Amber Meo
Yeah huh?
Speaker 13
Yeah, and thinking through those issues out loud, yeah.
See what both sides agree or how they even came to that.
Speaker 13
With each other.
Speaker 13
Yep, I also loved the episode with Katie Faust, learned a lot from her then before us and being child advocates.
Speaker 13
I mean, that's really important to me personally.
Speaker 13
And you know, in our ministry, and as we are a family, you know just thinking through.
Speaker 13
How can we best advocate for those who need it the most who don't have.
Speaker 13
Maybe don't have anybody else, so yeah, we can't wait to see what's coming next.
Speaker 13
We're excited.
Speaker 13
Love the podcast.
Speaker 13
Love Andy heart.
Speaker 13
Yeah, we're.
Speaker 13
Grateful to be along for the ride stay true.
aker 11
Legger.net and yeah, sign up for my news like that's what I'm finding lately. Is that people really do?
Speaker 11
You can only read social media, you can reach so many people, but if you have people that subscribe to your, you know you can actually you get a direct a Direct Line to.
Speaker 11
Them so yes.
Speaker 11
Yeah, please subscribe.
Speaker 1
Andymiller.com too.
Speaker 1
While I'm at it, thanks so much Phil.
Speaker 1
It's great to have you on.
Speaker 11
Thanks man, it's good to.
Speaker 11
Be here always good to have you always good.
Speaker 11
To have you always good to be on your podcast.
Speaker 9
Thanks greetings, this is crystal bullets.
Speaker 9
I am a Salvation Army officer currently serving in Leesburg, FL.
Speaker 9
It's basically Central Florida right outside Orlando and I am excited just to see the one year anniversary of the more to the story podcast with my good friend Andy Miller.
Speaker 9
And I know for myself I have just been so blessed and encouraged by the YouTube channel, the podcast and over the last year or so, I have just learned a lot that introduced to a lot of different thinkers and authors and pastors and so many different people.
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And I think there's one thing in particular that has interested.
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Me over the last year is being introduced to a variety.
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A whole bunch of different topics.
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A whole bunch of different.
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Conversations around so many different things regarding just church leadership and theology and philosophy and cultured society and different schools of academic thought and study.
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And this and that.
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And I have just learned so much and I've just been so blessed.
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I think if there's one interview in particular that has stood out to me.
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It would probably have to be the interview that Andy did with Doctor Frank Turek.
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I know for myself when I became a Christian and I got saved and I started following Jesus.
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I got really interested in apologetics and different apologists that were out there, and I stumbled upon a Frank Turek work and just started reading and listening to a lot of this stuff.
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And I've been following him over.
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You know, over the last decade or so or so, and just I've always been fascinated by his work and and how much it's helped me in my own life and my own ministry and whatnot.
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And so when I found out that Andy was interviewing Dr.
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Turk, it was kind of cool for me to see someone that I had looked up to and kind of watched and studied and watched their ministry.
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Over the last 10-11 years and to see them talking to my my friend that was that was just really cool.
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Hit hit home for me, but I'm besides that I'd just like to say I'm very appreciative of the ministry that Andy is doing with the YouTube channel and I certainly know what's helped me.
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Be a better thinker and I hope a more faithful follower of Jesus. And so I look forward to what the future has for your ministry and pray God's richest blessings over you.
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Hi, I'm James Fogle.
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I'm a Nazarene pastor in Alabama.
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I've been watching animals podcast for almost a year, and it's really a.
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Let me give you 3 reasons why I think so.
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One the topics are very relevant to the current Wesleyan holiness tradition.
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#2 guests that he interviews have really substantive positive contributions for the Holiness movement today and 3rd. I'd say Andrew covers each topic with a sufficient level of depth.
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Would be well worth my time to listen.
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I plan to keep listening.
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I hope you.
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YouTube hi, we are lieutenants Robert, Kristen, Kirsten, we're Salvation Army officers in Midland, TX and we are more to the story podcast fans, super vans.
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Yeah, we're super fans.
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We have really enjoyed the podcast for quite a few reasons.
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One of the most important ones being giving us, you know those challenging things and resources to dig into deeper for personal development, spiritual.
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Growth and also so we can share, you know with our people with our ministry.
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A couple of episodes that really have impacted US1 up.
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First, the podcast that was probably very.
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Uhm, challenging and inspiring.
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Talking about the Salvation Army future.
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You know what's going to happen?
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What are some issues things we need to be aware of?
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What kind of you know mindset do we need to have going into the next few years?
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Another one that was really impactful was.
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We had a conversation with a progressive Christian that's those are my favorite kind 'cause I feel like a lot of podcasts.
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Huh, yeah, chikila.
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Just a bunch of people getting yes men that agree with them on.
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And they just they just.
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All agree with each other.
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And I like the time when you could kind of debate and love and speak truth, see.
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Yeah huh?
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Yeah, and thinking through those issues out loud, yeah.
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See what both sides agree or how they even came to that.
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With each other.
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Yep, I also loved the episode with Katie Faust, learned a lot from her then before us and being child advocates.
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I mean, that's really important to me personally.
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And you know, in our ministry, and as we are a family, you know just thinking through.
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How can we best advocate for those who need it the most who don't have.
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Maybe don't have anybody else, so yeah, we can't wait to see what's coming next.
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We're excited.
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Love the podcast.
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Love Andy heart.
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Yeah, we're.
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Grateful to be along for the ride stay true.